in Programming, Servers, Web Development

Using logrotate with your Laravel projects

Hard disk filled up by logs? Often overlooked until it becomes an issue. It can become a cycle of death for a server, application errors occur > write to log file > disk space full.

There’s a simple way to overcome that, and prevent the logs growing to an un-manageable size.

Laravel 4 and 5 do support some log configuration, for example to set it to daily. But this isn’t a concrete prevention of the logs getting out of hand, for that you need the logrotate utility.

Not that this guide is laravel specific you could follow this guide on any log file your keeping.

logrotate configuration files are stored in /etc/logrotate.d (Ubuntu, though likely to be the same on most linux environments)

add your file like so:

nano /etc/logrotate.d/laravel

and it’s contents:

/var/www/project/app/storage/logs/laravel.log { 
rotate 14 
maxage 14 

Options explained

rotate – How many files are kept before deleting old files
daily – How often to rotate the files, (this could be hourly*, weekly, daily, monthly)
compress – Yep you will want this as text files compress well
maxage – Files older than 14 days will be deleted

*hourly needs the cron job updating to run hourly, best practice would be changing it to run every 5 minutes, to allow all your configuration to run whenever it’s required.

*/5 * * * * /etc/cron.daily/logrotate

So in the above example we are having a maximum of 14 log files, compressed, rotated daily and kept for 14 days. In our log directory we should have the following files:


There’s also some neat tricks you can do with logrotate like finding all log files, if for example we had more than one log file in the same directory.

/var/www/project/app/storage/logs/*.log { 
rotate 14 
maxage 14 

Or you could specify multiple files

/var/www/project/app/storage/logs/laravel.log /var/www/project/app/storage/logs/debug.log { 
rotate 14 
maxage 14 

You can also run other tasks when the log is rotated

/var/www/project/app/storage/logs/*.log { 
rotate 14 
maxage 14 
    /usr/sbin/apachectl restart > /dev/null

Furthermore you can also restrict the size of the files by using minsize,size and maxsize specifiying a unit in M GB or K so a production example might look like the following:

/var/www/project/app/storage/logs/*.log { 
rotate 7  
maxage 7 
maxsize 10M

We now know that the logs will take up 70MB of disk space as a maximum, it’s important to note that if you do use the any of the size options they work irrespective of the rotation frequency, so as above even if the log is set to rotate daily it will be overridden if the file grew to 10MB it would be rotated immediately.

That would also be dependent on having the cron job set up at a higher frequency as mentioned above.


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